Congratulations to Lovell Chen principal Kate Gray and the ANU Acton Campus Master Plan team, winners of the 2020 Australian Urban Design Award for leadership, advocacy and research: local and neighbourhood scale.
The Master Plan is the result of 18 months work by a terrific multidisciplinary team led by Arup’s master planners and urban designers. We provided heritage input to the project in association with Extent Heritage (Aboriginal cultural heritage) and Landscape Dept (landscape). The full project team includes Australian National University, Urban Enquiry, Turnberry Consulting, Mantra Studios, Karen Wright Projects and John Wardle Architects.
[ Proposed renewal of Acton Campus, image : courtesy ANU ]
In a re-thinking of how to approach heritage management on a complex site with layered heritage values, we developed the Acton Campus Heritage Framework. It identifies five overarching strategic objectives for heritage on the Acton Campus, and sets out high-level policies and processes for the management of its heritage values and places.
The Framework is one of three documents that support the Master Plan: the others are the Design Guide and the Energy Management Strategy. All are available for download from
The Australian Urban Design Awards are co-convened by the Planning Institute of Australia, the Australian Institute of Architects and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, with the support of five other organisations in the sector. The winners for 2020 were announced on 15 October.